Monday, January 18, 2010


There is no such thing as 100% laser hair removal. “Laser hair reduction” might be more accurate. Depending on the hair color and density of hair growth, 80% reduction may be possible with 8 to 12 treatments. A woman who is shaving her underarms daily may be left with 20% of her original hair growth, and what hair remains would be stunted. She might require shaving only every 3 weeks.

The laser does not hurt much because we use “Numb-n-Number” special cream anesthetic in order to produce anesthesia just in the areas that are worked on. The patients occasionally will ask to be given relaxation medicines but if we do this they need to be driven home. There’s no extra charge for sedation.

Note of importance: the area being treated should not be waxed prior to laser hair removal. Proper preparation would be to just shave. Also, complete back hair removal is not realistic for men. Usually 20 to 30 treatments are required; this is too much for most to tolerate.

We use a frequency of laser that encompasses a spectrum rather than a single isolated frequency. We think this works better for the majority of our laser hair removal patients. The patient's success is based on the contrast between the hair color and the skin color. If the skin color is too dark, it is more difficult to perform laser hair removal. If their skin color is light and they also have white hairs, it is also difficult and usually requires many treatments to obtain an adequate result. For laser hair reduction visit our Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon website with over 1500 pages of information. If you are in the Mid Coastal California area call our Fresno cosmetic surgery office in Visalia.