Monday, January 18, 2010



Many methods have been advocated to improve cheek area. Our opinion is that the best methods involve fillers and the best fillers are cheek implants, which hold the mid-face up in an attractive way. These implants are inserted through the mouth using a tiny incision about a third of an inch long. The great thing about this procedure is that the implant can be taken out and thus the procedure is completely reversible. Complications are rare. For example, the infection rate is less than 1%. Results as one of my mentors said “are always better than you think they are going to be.” (RESULTS VARY!) Many times this procedure can replace a facelift or delay a facelift for a middle-aged individual or even an older individual who does not want all the hassle and downtime of a big surgery. It also is complementary with other procedures such as facelifts, peeling, chin implants, eyelid lifts, and chin liposuction. These procedures can be used in combination depending on patient’s desires and how they look.