Monday, January 18, 2010

Buttocks Fat transplantation


More and more patients are opting for a buttock fat transplant when they have their liposuction procedure. It is now almost routine at Dr. Yoho’s office to perform a buttock fat transplant if the person is dissatisfied with their buttock size. In particular, Asians and Latinas often desire a bigger backside and can get great improvement. If the weight returns a bit after the liposuction procedure, often buttocks and breasts benefit the most with a sexier curvier figure. We make an effort to choose just the right amount of fat for each person’s buttocks. If too much fat is transplanted, infections and other problems can result and if too little fat is transplanted, not enough improvement will result. Please call for a complimentary consultation to our Los Angeles, Visalia, or Fresno area cosmetic surgery offices to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.