Saturday, July 14, 2012

Advances in Breast Augmentation

Belly button breast augmentation or "TUBA" is one of the innovative techniques in breast augmentation surgery that has rendered obsolete many of the surgeries that leave scars on the breast, such as the through-the-areola approach. While some patients need to be treated by the through-the-areola approach because of odd-shaped breasts or other problems, the TUBA approach can put the implant in through the belly button without any scars anywhere near the breasts.

In experienced hands, this technique works wonders for many patients. It seems to have a lower rate of complications, such as capsular contracture, which is firming of the breasts. This complication accounts for the highest of all of the problem rates in breast augmentation surgery.

Dr. Peter Cheski pioneered and invented this technique, and Dr. Yoho learned his technique right from Dr. Cheski, working closely alongside him in his office over the years. Dr. Cheski was at the point where he could perform one of these surgeries in 10 to 15 minutes with virtually no help outside of a scrub tech and a sedation person who watched the monitor. He performed many tens of thousands of these surgeries over the years, and Dr. Cheski is regarded as one of the pioneers in breast augmentation.

Please come in for a look to see whether this procedure is appropriate for you. We love its results, but you must be evaluated before having the procedure.

Sculpting a Six-Pack

Did you know that there are new liposuction techniques that can get you more definition of your abdominal muscles than ever before? These new techniques include special aggressive suction of the fat in between the muscles, which can be done with ordinary liposuction or with other types of liposuction machines. Dr. Yoho’s belief is these new machines don’t yield any significant advantage. However, the real news is that a tiny bit of fat injected into the muscles of the abdominal area makes for greater definition and a much better result. This has to be done carefully and with experience, to ensure that the muscle squares are enhanced and improved. It helps to have good muscle tone before the procedure, but you don’t have to be slender. The liposuction itself can do that.