Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dr. Yoho's Recent Experiences with Athletics

Dr. Yoho and Judy Yoho enjoying the great outdoors

Dr. Yoho was an enthusiastic amateur athlete who did a lot of climbing, biking, and other activities in the outdoors. However, with a rock-climbing fall in 2008, he's had some pain in his left foot when he walks. For this reason, he has cut his training down to conditioning level, and although he does exercise every day, unfortunately he can't look forward to all of the outdoor activities that he used to do. 

 Currently he's very interested in kettlebell training, and is being trained by a registered kettlebell instructor. The kettlebell exercises are limited to only four main types; a sort of a swing between the legs and up in front of your body, an Olympic-style clean and jerk and Olympic-style snatch, and finally a special exercise called Turkish getup. This odd and slow exercise that was mentioned last can be looked up on the Internet and observed, and it is a very powerful exercise for strengthening the core muscles, including the low back and the abdominals. Dr. Yoho is able to do this exercise with 55 pounds several times. 

The other thing he is still able to do is ordinary weight-lifting and Bikram Yoga. With the Bikram Yoga, he is able to stay flexible and although he suffers in that heat, he thinks it's good for him. 

If you have questions about diet and exercise and you are Dr. Yoho's patient, feel free to ask them at your follow-up visit or your consultation visit.

 Dr. Yoho's Background 

Did you know that 2011 represented the 20th year that Dr. Yoho has been practicing cosmetic surgery? 

He has earned various awards and passed many tests in his progress towards his current level of expertise. He passed the boards in the American Board of Laser, and also is Board-certified in Emergency Medicine, the American Society of Medical Specialties. This last certification is an extra safety factor for his patients. He additionally passed the boards in cosmetic surgery, and is one of only two surgeons in the country who passed both the cosmetic surgery boards and is also Board-certified in emergency medicine.   

Dr. Yoho has trained over 50 physicians who have observed him in his office and given preceptorships for them and is currently and will be the president in 2012 for the American Society of Cosmetic Breast Surgery. 

He has presented over 20 times at national meetings, most recently in 2011, and also has published in scientific journals for cosmetic surgery over 20 times. He attends between four and ten cosmetic surgery educational meetings every year. 

His office experience encompasses more than 10,000 surgeries, and we think that our best recommendation is that over 95 percent our patients are either return patients or referrals from other cosmetic surgery patients. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and Do You Have It?

True body dysmorphic disorder has to do with people thinking that one particular part of their anatomy is exceedingly deformed or completely incompatible with their happiness. We do see people with problems and do make great improvements in their looks and self-esteem. Most people don’t have this BDD diagnosis. This sort of person would be obsessed about something that to others looks like a minor issue. People suffering from BDD will insist over and over that their problem needs to be corrected. When a surgeon operates on an individual like this, sometimes they end up performing multiple operations, trying to make the patient happy, and no one, surgeon or patient, is satisfied.

This does not mean that we consider you to have body dysmorphic disorder if you think you need a touchup. The fact is that most individuals who want touchups are quite reasonable in their requests and have completely clear expectations about what to expect. They just need our advice about what is possible with touchup procedures. Please don’t hesitate to ask for improvement surgery after your initial surgery, because this often can effect a much more satisfied patient with improved results. As long as you are not obsessed with details, and can objectively listen to the surgeon’s opinion on what’s possible and what isn’t possible, BDD is very unlikely to be an issue.

All the best,


Robert Yoho, M.D.

You Are Always Welcome in Our Office, No Matter How Long it’s Been

We have patients who are embarrassed to come back and see us, even ten years after the procedure, because they’ve gained weight or they haven’t taken care of themselves or they’re afraid there’s going to be some sort of charge.

Consultations are always free, and we particularly love to see our established patients back years after the event to see how they’ve done, see what’s happened in their lives, and let them know what’s happened in our lives. Our door is always open to any of our friends who just want to drop by and say hello and/or discuss another cosmetic issue or ask us what’s new. Visit my Los Angeles cosmetic surgery website for Liposuction Los Angeles and information about all the procedures available.

I don’t like to call these people “old patients” because it’s getting so I’m the “old doctor” and they’re the “young patient.” I like to call them established patients!


Robert Yoho, M.D.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Did You Get Too Much Sun This Summer?

Surgeons take nights off too!

We have a lot of patients who forget to use their sunscreen during the hottest part of the year, when the sun’s rays are most direct. They forget that between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. 80% of the sun’s rays are cast on the Earth, and the advice of the dermatologist is to be very careful during this time. Wearing a hat and using your sunscreen is the best way to protect yourself from conditions ranging from brown spots to wrinkles to skin cancer, but this advice is often ignored. Our dark-skinned patients in particular sometimes forget that they would benefit from sunscreen too, because their skin doesn’t usually get burned, but their pigment problems can actually become worse than a light-skinned person and they can have a lot of dark and lights spots that affect their looks and perceptions of their own attractiveness. 

We recommend Fallene sunscreen, which can be obtained at or at many pharmacies. This is a stronger sunscreen which has both chemical and physical sun blockers. A physical sun blocker is the addition of tiny little particles of metallic substance into the base of the sunscreen, and if you rub it in, it rubs in clear but protects the skin. 

The good news is that if you’ve forgotten your sunscreen this summer and have some areas that look dark or sun-damaged, or your complexion is a bit muddy, you can come in for our fractionated laser treatment and have your problems improved. This treatment is partway between an invasive and a non-invasive procedure, and is a little bit rougher on the recovery side than other less effective treatments such as photofacials. We really love our results, and have had a wonderful experience even with dark-skinned individuals who would react badly to ordinary laser treatments. This can be done with either just a cream anesthetic or the use of sedation, which is performed at no extra charge at Dr. Yoho’s office. Our charge for a full-face laser is $800 we can include your neck and chest area for just a bit more. 

Please call for a complimentary consultation.