Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Story of a Free Gynecomastia Case

We met this young patient through his mother, who was also a patient of ours. He had been teased so badly early in his high school years that he had dropped out of sports and withdrawn from many of his peers. We decided that this kind of case deserved pro bono treatment. Dr. Yoho performed gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia is more commonly known as "man-boobs" or "moobs". Some males develop breast tissue, typically during puberty. Although this is a pretty common condition, many boys and men who develop it feel self-conscious and isolated.

Boys and men can not only feel as self-conscious as girls and women, young men who develop this condition can even be embarrassed about feeling self-conscious. That very self-consciousness is seen as a weakness in some circles, and we all know how cruel our school peers can be. Many men grow up not wanting to take off their shirts during sports or at the beach. They feel embarrassed around their male peers, and extremely shy around girls or women as well. Even going to the gym can be a source of discomfort, and it's discouraging for these men to discover that no amount of fat-burning exercise can cure their condition.

Gynecomastia surgery is actually fairly simple as far as cosmetic surgeries go, and recoveries are usually relatively quick and uneventful, with excellent results. While nothing in surgery is guaranteed, gynecomastia surgeries have very high satisfaction rates. The process involves liposuction, and sometimes excision of a small amount of breast tissue. Many men are well on their way to surgical recovery within a day.
Post op, he's on his feet and recovering already!

We hope that we have made a difference in this young man's life. We are grateful to him for sharing his story. He agreed to let us publish his interview and photos online, which was very courageous. We hope his story will inspire others as well. While a few people still consider cosmetic surgeries to be for the vain and frivolous, Dr. Yoho has seen many times over what a real difference it makes in people's lives.