Monday, April 2, 2012

Why You May Not Need That Lower Eyelid Bag Removal or Blepharoplasty After All

Luxury camping!

The removal of the fat from the lower eyelid has fallen more and more into disrepute. This fat supports the eyeball, and even if it's sticking out a little bit, there may be other solutions to improve the appearance that are better than its removal. In fact, the problem is likely to be more a shrinkage of fat in the cheek rather than an excess fat in the lower eyelid. This cheek fat shrinkage can be improved with a number of methods, including injection of fillers and insertion of cheek implants. 

The fillers are primarily hyaluronic acid these days, which is a natural substance existing in the human body. Contrary to how it may sound, it's not a burning acid. It's simply a biosynthesized component of human tissue which has no allergenicity, or potential to cause allergy. This substance is injected nearly painlessly into areas of deficiency of fat and soft tissue in the face. Common brands include Juvederm and Restylane.

On the other hand, a more permanent solution and possibly a more aesthetic solution are cheek implants. Did you know that Dr. Yoho has cheek implants? You can check him out when you come in for your consultation. These are inserted through the mouth and can be easily taken out in less than five minutes if you decide you don't like the effect. Please be aware that some swelling occurs after the procedure, and you should wait for at least a month or two before you make a decision to take out the implant. 

In any case, consult with your surgeon before "ordering up" your lower lid fat removal. Your surgeon can sometimes direct you to more aesthetic or beautifying options, which may flatter your face a great deal more than simple "bag removal" of the lower lids. 

Now, most people have wrinkles of the lower lid area and this can be improved with either removal of a little strip of skin or laser resurfacing, depending on your skin type and desires. Consult with Dr. Yoho about this at the time of your consultation.